TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Consider this...
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Subject Consider this...
Posted by thumper300zx on January 29, 2020 at 4:13 PM
  This message has been viewed 140 times.
In Reply To Re: Fuel pressure posted by MyBlueZ on January 29, 2020 at 11:59 AM
Message If fuel isn't pressure isn't bleeding off from a stuck FPR, and it's not being let back through the check valve (likely would never hit the pressure needed), then the car is just going to try to burn off all the remaining fuel in the rail until there is no pressure remaining.

Once the fuel pressure gets low enough, it's barely enough fuel to run the car. So, it would barely run, if at all, and eventually, assuming there are no open injectors (or faulty injectors, or other leaks) it would be low enough the car couldn't even run. I could see this going on fairly indefinitely and the pressure never being fully relieved. Even a few pounds of pressure would not be fun to deal with. It needs to be absolutely ZERO pressure.

It makes sense how quick the car should die off when the pressure is fully relieved, because at that point basically ZERO fuel would enter the chambers.

Alternatively, it could be like you said -- a clogged fuel line. But I think that is very unlikely. P.S. My fuel filter (the cheap thing you always replace just in case) was 100% perfectly clean and it's been in the car for years. I replaced it anyway, but it was fine.

What do you think?


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